Saturday, January 30, 2010

A White Weekend

News for the weekend: It snowed!

And boy, were we loving it, especially Sadie.
Saturday was spent in the RAV4, navigating empty, icy roads through the country.
We did find one hill in which navigation was impossible.

Snapped some photos of the house:

But this was my favorite part of the day:

Letting Sadie loose on an empty stretch of country road.

She went nuts.

I mean, look at that tail.
Head down, eyes squinted, she took off!

Beautiful Oak Lawn
Maybe someday it'll be home. ;)

Also managed to make a drive to our church that afternoon.
Chris and I spent it playing the piano and singing our hearts out.
Then we headed outside again to skid across the icy "parking lot" with Sade.

Chris also had some fun of his own. He came inside the house Saturday morning and found me.

Chris: "Hey, come take a look at what I did."
Me: "What?"
C: "Look out the window. I made something."

M: "Oh look. He's waving to the neighbors. I bet they love us..."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Investigative Report: Case of the Weary Workaholic

Location: Downtown Nashville

Vehicle: RAV4 aka "The Cuteness"

Time: 3:00 a.m.

Activity: Driving Home from Work



Not a Night Person

Life at 25

So this was it.

This is how I celebrated my 25th. Kinda crazy, but definitely not "Katie."

Actually, I guess it is "Katie," cause my hairdresser called this look the "Katie Holmes."

P.S. Whoever said short hair was easier to do in the morning is SO wrong. No more ponytail-kinda-days.

Chris' response?

Chris: "Whoa! It's so different."
Me: "Do you like it?"
C: "Yeah, I do. Do you?"
M: "I'm not sure."
I could see the gears turning in his head, creating the "what-the-best-response-in-this-situation" reply would be.

C: "Well, at least you'll use less shampoo..."

Morning Rituals

This is Sadie. Sadie is all about routine.

She arises at 6:00 a.m. every morning.
Seriously, every morning, 6:00 a.m., on the dot.

She then proceeds to shake and shake and shake until Chris gets up to let her outside to do her business.
Of course, if it's really cold outside, she's back at the door whining to be let in ASAP.

Next, time for breakfast,
which consists of 1 cup of her premium dry dog food -
All Natural, Chris says, because it keeps her regular. ;)

Sadie even has a routine for eating this premium dog food. It's transferred from the bowl to my carpet via her mouth.
You see, Sadie is not too keen about eating on vinyl.
Oh no, only a comfy carpet will do.

And so the dance goes on -
Sadie grabs a mouthful of food,
prances to my bedroom and deposits the mouthful onto my carpet,
then gingerly crunches small morsels before returning to the bowl.

And repeat.

After breakfast, Sadie retires to her pillow and felt blanket where she will sleep until 8 a.m. or so.

Then she follows me everywhere.

This is what my closet looks like as I get ready for the day:

See Sadie?

Monday, January 25, 2010

In The Mail

Early last week, I received the following hand-written letter from my insurance agent:

This is the most important Birthday Card I will send this year. I hope you got a big ole cake! :) You're the prettiest client I have. If you ever need an insurance agent for anything, just give me a call. My number is 2 on your speed-dial.

Love, Chris

Those insurance agents...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Birthday Surprises

After a long day at work on my birthday, I walked in the door, ready for sleep.

I saw Chris out of the corner of my eye, leaping from the bed to greet me in the kitchen.

He led me to the fridge and pulled out the lovely-est, pink-est, double-stacked cake I ever saw.

I literally jumped up and down with joy and felt my eyes get a little "misty." (Hey, it was a really long day.)

Chris: "Do you like it?"
Me: "YES! I love it! Thank you!"


M: "Did you really make it yourself?"
C: "Yup."
M: "No help?"
C: "Not even on the letters."


M: "Why is my name spelled wrong?"

C: " hand slipped a bit."

It was the best gift ever. And it was delicious.

Nothing better than sharing a yummy birthday cake with Chris at midnight.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A New Blog for a New Year

Congrats to me!
I've officially started my blog!

My first post?

My newest adventure...
Packed the car (forgot my shoes!), took the pup to the in-law's (thank you!), and Chris and I were off.

Chris: "Well, where to?"
Me: "I don't know... New York City?"
C: "Um... I was thinking West. But New York it is!"
M: "Well, how far is it?"
C: "Really far. Can you help me drive?"


M: "West is good..."

Now, I know what you're thinking. Uh, Denver is really far too. But St. Louis was the original plan.

Behold. St. Louis:

Two (freezing) days in the city, one night in a hotel full of rowdy teens, and a fabulous Japanese lunch later, we found ourselves perusing our atlas for other nearby destinations.

The next "nearby" destination?

Denver. Trust me. There's nothing in Kansas, except one creepy gas station straight out of a horror movie.

Think Twister with a boogyman.

So, packed up the car (again),
grabbed some joe from Mickey D's,
and we were off (again)!!!!!

Behold. Denver:

It was the perfect way to start 2010. I even got a souvenir.
A new pair of shoes...

Oh and I did help drive too.