Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life at 25

So this was it.

This is how I celebrated my 25th. Kinda crazy, but definitely not "Katie."

Actually, I guess it is "Katie," cause my hairdresser called this look the "Katie Holmes."

P.S. Whoever said short hair was easier to do in the morning is SO wrong. No more ponytail-kinda-days.

Chris' response?

Chris: "Whoa! It's so different."
Me: "Do you like it?"
C: "Yeah, I do. Do you?"
M: "I'm not sure."
I could see the gears turning in his head, creating the "what-the-best-response-in-this-situation" reply would be.

C: "Well, at least you'll use less shampoo..."


  1. I love your haircut! It is the shortest I have ever seen it though. Isn't it ironic that I was always the one with short hair and you long? NOW it's reversed :)

    LOVE U!

  2. I LOVE IT! You look so cute with short hair! I disagree with you - I just chopped mine too and it's SO much easier in the mornings! All I do is blow dry for about 1 minute with a round brush and done! No more straightener for me!! -Rachel
